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Department of Botany

General introduction

The Department of Botany (known as the Department of Botany – Pharmacognosy) belongs to the Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong University. Like the Faculty of Pharmacy, it was established in 2013. The room number of the office is H.302 in Pharmacy campus.

The Department of Botany is responsible for teaching General Biology 1, Pharmaceutical Botany, Practical Pharmaceutical Botany. Besides, the Department also participates in doing scientific research and guiding students to implement their graduation thesis.

Departmental staff includes 1 Assoc.Prof., 3 Mphams and 1 technician. 

Learners: Students of Faculty of Pharmacy.

Teaching objectives

Equip students with the basic knowledge of plant cells; morphology, anatomy and taxonomy of plants. Hence, students know how to classify the morphological characteristics and identify each taxa in the plant taxonomic system. Therefore, students apply identification of medicinal plants, as well as the testing of medicinal herbs by microbiological methods.

General Biology 1 or Cell Biology is a basic subject. It equips students with knowledge about cell biology, including: The chemical basis for life; the structure, the cycle and the reproduction of cells, energy and metabolism process in cells. Therefore, students can acquire relevant knowledge such as: molecular biology, physiology, pharmaceutical botany, pharmacology, pharmacology. 

Pharmaceutical Botany belongs to the basic professional knowledge in the pharmacy curriculum. This course equips students with general knowledge of morphology, anatomy and taxonomy of plant, including: Morphological and anatomical characteristics of plant vegetative organs (roots, stems, leaves); Structural characteristics of plant generative organs (flowers, fruits, seeds); Principles and nomenclature of the taxonomic classification system; Characteristics of the branches of the Tracheophyta and the characteristics of some families of Magnoliophyta.

Pharmaceutical Botany Practical belongs to the basic professional knowledge in the Pharmacy curriculum. This course equips students with methods for examining the anatomical characteristics of plant vegetative organs, analyzing the morphological characteristics of plant vegetative organs and plant generative organs, and making plant specimens. Hence, students can examine medicinal plant powder by using microscopic techniques and identify medicinal plants.

Research directions:

The Department are aimed at the main objectives of surveying botanical characteristics and identifying medicinal plants; differentiating between medicinal herbs / medicinal plants in order to prevent falsehood and fraud medicinal plants; investigating, conserving and developing medicinal plant resources. From this goal, the research directions of the Department focus on:

- Investigate the botanical characteristics of medicinal plants.

- Distinguish medicinal plants that are easy to confuse, fake in collection and use.

- Preserve and propagate medicinal plants.

- Investigate medicinal plant resources.


The Department of Botany is 124.8 m2 in area, located at room H.302, in the Pharmacy campus. The department is divided into two areas: staffroom and laboratory room. In particular, the laboratory room consists of 3 rows of tables with more than 50 positions for students. It is fully equipped with equipment and tools suitable to the requirements of teaching and research. The specific equipment available at the Department includes:

- 30 optical microscopes (Olympus CX23 Led)

- 30 optical microscopes (Olympus CX22 Led)

- 01 stereoscopic microscope (Carl Zeiss Stemi 305)

- 02 thermostatic tanks (Memmert WNB7)

- 01 oven (Memmert IN110)

- 01 camera (Canon Ixus 285 HS)

In addition, there are many plants that are not only suitable for teaching content, but also purify the fresh atmosphere for both students and lecturers.


Cao Van Thu (2012), Sinh học đại cương, Vietnam Education Publishing House.

Pham Thanh Ho (2000), Sinh học đại cương: Tế bào học – Di truyền học – Học thuyết tiến hoá, National University Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City.

Truong Thi Dep (2007), Thực vật dược, Education Publishing House.

Le Dinh Bich (2007), Tran Van On, Thực vật học, Medical Publishing House.

Department of Plant and Pharmacy (2016), Thực tập Sinh học tế bào và Thực vật dược, Internal Curriculum, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lac Hong University.

Vo Van Chi (2018), Từ điển cây thuốc Việt Nam (bộ mới), volume 1. Medicine Publishing House.

Vo Van Chi (2018), Từ điển cây thuốc Việt Nam (bộ mới), volume 2. Medical Publishing House.

Do Tat Loi (2009), Những cây thuốc và vị thuốc Việt Nam, Science and Technology Publishing House .

Do Huy Bich et al (2006), Cây thuốc và động vật làm thuốc ở Việt Nam, volume 1, Science and Technology Publishing House.

Do Huy Bich et al (2006), Cây thuốc và động vật làm thuốc ở Việt Nam, volume 2, Science and Technology Publishing House.

Do Huy Bich et al (2006), Cây thuốc và động vật làm thuốc ở Việt Nam, volume 3, Science and Technology Publishing House.


  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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