About US

Mission - Vision - Objectives


The Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics (FOME) is a unit of LHU to provide training service, conduct applied scientific researches and transfer advanced technology in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology (EEET), Mechatronics Engineering Technology (MET), Control and Automation Engineering Technology (CAET), Electronics Communications Engineering Technology (ECET), and Automotive Engineering Technology (AET) and community service. The Faculty provides high quality human resources in the fields, cultivates competent and virtuous talents at both undergraduate and graduate levels to effectively serves the national industrialization and modernization in the context of international integration


FOME aims to become a national-leading unit in training, applied scientific research and technology transfer in industrial engineering technology in Vietnam by 2030.


Graduates of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics within 3 years will be able to:

  • -   Acquire  advanced degrees or engage in advanced study in the fields of EEET, MET, CAET, ECET and AET.
  • -   Manage the manufacturing process in the fields of EEET, MET, CAET, ECET and AET.
  • -   Analyze, design, operate and develop the EEET , MET, CAET, ECET and AET systems in accordance with specific requirements by organizations and enterprises.
  • -   Start-up by themselves as practicing engineers in the fields of EEET, MET, CAET, ECET and AET.


  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email: lachong@lhu.edu.vn
  • © 2023 Lac Hong University
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